Leather CD or DVD case

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Hand crafted leather case

Have you ever thought of recording your own record? Maybe you play some instrument, sing or read your own poems or stories? This kind of record cover will be most suitable for such an important memory to keep or for a gift to give.

Order leather cd / dvd case

Case will be crafted by agreed details and measurements, so please let us know about your wishes.

Here is also a small note to hopefully help you mark some first details:

  • What is the diameter of the records you would like to fit into the covers?
  • For how many records should the case be made for?
  • What color would you like?
  • Should we plan some sort of hand carved image or pattern onto the leather as a decoration? (That could be almost anything you can imagine).
Open form – write to us!

About leather crafts

All our leather goods are hand crafted from start to finish.